Chapter 257 - Siege 2

The sky was getting darker. After the hundred thousand Shanbei Forbidden Army s arrived, they immediately set up camp.

Zhao Chen, Curved End, Yu Yunwen and the rest were naturally here as well. They had been rushing the entire way, and at the moment, they did not have time to rest.

The sky was dark and the night was still cold. Everyone sat by the bonfire and observed the situation on the walls of the Xingqing Mansion as they talked.

"You have been here for more than three days. How effective is the siege?" Zhao Chen held a piece of roast beef in his hand, and said while eating it.

"Your Majesty, this Xingqing Mansion is worthy of being called the capital of Western Xia. It is exceptionally strong and not small!" Zhao Zhe said.

"When we first arrived on that day, we had originally thought that since Xingqing Mansion was unprepared, if Jingyuan Army and Tsinghua Army were to suddenly appear, they would definitely be able to take over Xingqing Mansion in one go! Who knew, Xingqing Mansion was actually already prepared! There aren't many Western Xia soldiers left, but countless Party member have come to the city wall to fight us. In addition, there were many machines guarding the city in the Western Xia Capital, and all of them were exceptionally sharp. In the past three days, our losses have been great. " Liu Qi said.

"How much have we lost?" Zhao Chen said.

"The two armies combined have around ten thousand people." Liu Qi said.

"What!" Zhao Chen was shocked.

It has to be said that before, when they attacked the Hongzhou, forsooth and Yanzhou, they had never lost so many men and horses in their attack on the main forces of Western Xia. But now that they were attacking Xingqing Mansion, they had actually lost more than 10,000 troops in such a short period of time. Zhao Chen found it hard to believe.

"Your Majesty, we do not have any siege weapons. This way, we will have a difficult time defeating the Xingqing Mansion. This Xingqing Mansion is much more sturdy than the Hongzhou and the Yanzhou Kingdom from before. Liu Qi said.

"Wait another night!" "Tomorrow morning, the siege weapons will arrive." Zhao Chen said.

"Oh?" Liu Qi was startled.

"The young people of Production and Construction Corps are currently shipping food and supplies, and the siege weapon will also be delivered." Zhao Chen said.

That day, during the battle to eliminate the main force of Western Xia, Shanbei Forbidden Army had always been following closely behind the main force of Western Xia. With Production and Construction Corps following behind them, Zhao Chen had already ordered them to deliver all of the supplies and weapons left behind by the main forces of the Western Xia outside the Yanzhou City.

They should be arriving soon.

"This is great! Our two hundred thousand strong army encircles the Xingqing Mansion, and we also have siege weapons, we will definitely be able to win! " Liu Qi said excitedly.

"That's right, we will definitely be able to win! Pass down the order, let the soldiers have a good rest for the night! Tomorrow morning, when the siege weapons are sent over, we will continue. " Zhao Chen said.

The two hundred thousand strong army surrounded Xingqing Mansion. At this moment, the soldiers of the various armies were lighting fires and cooking. From the top of the wall, there were bonfires everywhere. The song was produced by the Advocacy Division, it was used to praise the thousands of years of history, the prosperous civilization of China, as well as countless war poems and songs from the time of the Han and Tang Dynasties, and some were even praise for the heroes.

The songs of the army rose and fell one after another, reaching the city walls. Many of the Western Xia Xingqing Mansion's people understood Chinese, and after hearing this song, they became even more nervous, not to mention anything else.

Xia Chongzong stood on top of the city wall the entire time, looking down at the army of Song Dynasty, his face had always been pale and worried.

Wei Minganhui had been standing beside Xia Chongzong the entire time and his face had a worried expression.

It was unknown when such a huge change had happened to the Song Army!

Their impression of the Song Army was still that of the Western Army back then! At that time, the Western Army was already the strongest army in the Song Dynasty, but compared to the Western Xia Army, it was still a distance away. However, looking at the Song Army below, their morale was much higher than the Western Army from before. In addition, after three days of war, they had witnessed the strength of this army and could feel its unimaginable will to fight.

They had never seen an army with such a strong will to fight. Even the Jin Army back then might not be able to match up to this army.

"200,000 people! All of them are like that!" Your Majesty, in just five short years, the change in Song Army was just too great! In the beginning, the Song Army had defeated Wan Yanhuonv. We all thought that Wan Yanhuonv was young and had limited experience in battle, but now it seems that it was not the case at all. It's not that Wan Yanhuonv is lacking, it's that the Song Army is getting stronger, they are really too strong, unbelievably strong. " Wei Minganhui said.

Xia Chongzong nodded slightly.

Just at this moment, another person walked over from afar. It was Li Chage.

"Your Majesty!" Li Chage knelt on the ground and bowed to Xia Chongzong.

Xia Chongzong only snorted coldly. He was exceptionally angry at Li Chage in his heart. In his opinion, it was precisely Li Chage who destroyed the three hundred thousand main forces of the Western Summer. If the three hundred thousand strong Western Summer Army were in the Xingqing Mansion, why would they need to be afraid of an attack from the Song Dynasty?

"Your Majesty, the battle at Wu Dao Beach is not General Cha Ge's fault! General Cha Ge also wanted to rush to the Xingqing Mansion to save His Majesty! "I hope Your Majesty will forgive General Cha Ge." Wei Minganhui said.

"You should rise." Xia Chongzong said indifferently.

"Thank you, your majesty." Li Chage stood up and said.

"General Cha Ge, do you think we can defend the Xingqing Mansion?" Wei Minganhui said.

"This lowly general does not know! I'm afraid it will be very difficult! " Li Chage laughed bitterly and shook his head.

"No matter how difficult it is, we must still defend! If we lose our Xingqing Mansion, we will die! Therefore, we must guard this place well. " At this moment, a voice came from behind him. It was the voice of an exceptional seventeen or eighteen year old woman.

"My beloved concubine, why have you come?" The person who came was Ren Dejing's daughter, Ren Yuqin. Immediately, a smile finally appeared on Xia Chongzong's face as he said that.

"Seeing that His Majesty has not returned, I have come to investigate." Ren Yuqin said.

"War is a man's business. It's very dangerous. You'd better not come to the city wall. " Xia Chongzong said.

"Your majesty and everyone, be careful!" As long as we can defend the Xingqing Mansion, we still have countless of citizens and other cities. As for the Chinese, they cannot stay in the Xingqing Mansion for too long. Sooner or later, they will return! " Ren Yuqin said.

"My beloved concubine is right!" Xia Chongzong continued to nod his head, while Wei Minganhui, Li Chage and the others also nodded.

On the second day, just as the sky was starting to brighten, another thirty thousand strong army came from the distance. It was none other than the young men of Production and Construction Corps.

They drove the carriages and donkeys, brought countless provisions and supplies, as well as countless siege weapons.

The food supplies, supplies and siege weapons were distributed to the various armies, and cheers were constantly heard coming from the armies.

Immediately, the troops began assembling their siege weapons, and countless throwing machines were set up in all directions! Siege vehicles were also set up at the city gates. There were also countless crossbows placed on them! Countless huge shields and tall ladders were sent down to the various teams.

When the sun had just risen, the siege war began once again.

After the previous three days and three nights of fighting, many parts of the moat had already been filled up. Right now, the soldiers of the various armies were heading in the direction of the city walls.

Countless arrows were fired at the city wall! Many of them were brachial arch s!

Altogether, there were more than a hundred thousand archers in Jingyuan Army, Tsinghua Army and the Shanbei Forbidden Army. The Song Army lacked war horses. In order to make up for the disadvantage of the cavalry, the Song Army rode on bows all the time. Their archery skills had reached the peak of the cold weapons era and they had developed countless infantry bows, siege crossbows, God Arm Crossbows, and other weapons. Many of the weapons were lost after the Song Dynasty, like God Arm Crossbows. In the Ming Dynasty, no one in the Qing Dynasty was able to produce any more. Even in the modern world, it was impossible to produce one. The craftsmanship had long since been lost.

Countless gigantic rocks were sent over, flying crazily towards the walls of Xingqing Mansion.

However, there were countless throwing machines on the walls of the Xingqing Mansion, their range was even higher than the ones in the Song Army below. The Xingqing Mansion was the capital of Western Xia. The Western Xia people had been here for more than a hundred years, and their various weapons were all exceptionally good. They were naturally no small matter.

After an hour, the sounds of battle could be heard.

Countless Song soldiers raised their ladders and charged towards the city wall. They set up the ladders and went up along the ladders, and there were also countless Song Army Soldiers holding their bows and arrows as they shot up. But up above, the Western Xia people were also fighting back, and the Western Xia people were also continuously shooting down their bows and arrows.

The cruel siege began once again!

Song Army continued to rush forward, but this time, the soldiers and citizens of Western Xia were exceptionally tenacious. Maybe they knew that their Xingqing Mansion had been breached and their nation was on the verge of destruction and their fate was immeasurable. Maybe they thought that their parents and children would all be killed, so they showed a tenacious determination that they never had before.

It had already been a day. Song Army had suffered heavy casualties, but the Western Xia soldiers and civilians were also heavily injured.

As the sun set in the west, the Song Army still did not have any intention of withdrawing their troops. They were still crazily attacking the city, the soldiers kept advancing forward, disregarding life and death! Many of the soldiers had smiles on their faces as they died. To die for a country, their death was worth it. They felt joy in their hearts. The Song Army was crazy, the Western Xia soldiers and citizens were shocked, but they did not retreat.

A night's time had passed, but Song Army still did not stop.

In the direction of the northwest city wall, at this moment, an earth-shaking cheer suddenly came from there.

The Shanbei Forbidden Army Lord personally led Li Xianzhong and his five hundred personal guards to rush to the top of the city walls. Under Li Xianzhong's lead, the Western Xia soldiers and citizens all retreated.

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